Tuesday 26 March 2013

Snapshot 15!

So this outfits deviates from my usual highly-coloured wardrobe to give a slightly more elegant and, dare I say it, grown up look. I still had plenty of fun with shapes though. I partly wore the trousers because their length had the dual benefit of making me look taller while simultaneously hiding my physio-ordered runners (apparently 'I have a style blog' is not an acceptable excuse for escape from shoe purgatory!). I really love the vintage cut of these trousers with the over the top, extra-wide flares. They're patterned with little purple and white flowers. While I did receive several compliments on the trousers (and one question from a male friend of why I was wearing shoes with pjs in one of my photos-philistine!) overall I had several complaints about the lack of vibrancy in my outfit. Despite these complaints I really liked this outfit as it was comfortable, practical and flattering! The top particularly I love because of the flowy bottom half which hides any tummy concerns you might have (big dinner here I come!).