So i haven't been blogging as regularly recently simply because I've been very busy and not dressing as beautifully as normally. Hence as compensation I present you with this gem of where my stylistics started. Since I was very small I have always had my own style. My mum tells me that when I was 2 or 3 I used to order her around when she was laying out my little outfits for the day. When I started school I was the only girl without the usual frilly white socks patent leather shoes combo-I had teeny doc martins with rainbow stitching and rainbow laces. A boy in my class dared to call them clown shoes so I kicked him in the goolies at playtime!
Growing up I never wanted to wear the same things as other people. not even in ballet class-i was furiously frustrated when another girl had the same leggings as me for jazz class! I guess I just wore what made me happy and as I got older I became conscious that I wasn't happy wearing the same stuff everyone else did because I didn't want to be anyone but me and I didn't want o be compared to anyone but myself. I love colour, I love clothes and I love how they make me feel when I wear them. I won't let anyone else change any of that-because badass little me didn't so I'm damned if big me will!